Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Last night I made one of our favorite things. It is a great dish for summer cookouts, but since we live in the south we grill all year long. This is another staple dinner when we go to mom & dad's. We have also made this with steak & lamb.

3-4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cubed (keep them a nice size so they won't fall off the skewer)
Green bell peppers, chopped into chunks
Red bell Peppers, chopped into chunks
Yellow or orange belle peppers, chopped into chunks
Sweet onion, cut into chunks
Dale's Sauce

Optional - fresh mushrooms, squash, pineapple, tomatoes, etc.

Place vegetables in one large ziploc bag & pour Dale's sauce in the bag. Seal & refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour. Periodically flip bag over. Then place chicken in another large ziploc bag & pour Dale's sauce in the bag. Seal & refrigerate for a minmum of 1 hour. Periodically flip bag over. Soak wooden skewers in water for at least 30 minutes. Once everything has marinated place meat & vegetable on skewers. Alternate meat & vegetables on each skewer. Place on grill & cook until meat is done.

1 comment:

  1. Oh goody! I have been waiting for you post something on your kabobs.
