Thursday, August 20, 2009

Salvation Salad

This recipe comes from my friend Valerie. She likes unique recipes that are different, but easy. I think this one qualifies. Try it!

1 bok choy - cleaned, de-veined, and ripped into bite size leafs
1 nappa cabbage - cleaned, de-veined, and ripped into bite size leafs
5 green onions washed and chopped
1 pkg Ramen Noodles chicken flavor
8 oz sliced almonds
1 c melted butter
½ c Canola Oil
¼ c apple cider vinegar
5 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp soy sauce

Clean, de-vein, and rip into bite size leafs the bok choy and nappa cabbage - place in a large salad bowl. Add green onions and toss – place in the fridge. Break uncooked Ramen Noodles into pieces and toss quickly with ½ cup melted butter in a mixing bowl. Spread noodles onto a lined cookie sheet and sprinkle with the Ramen Noodle Seasoning packet. Place under broiler until lightly toasted – set aside. Toss sliced almonds and remaining butter quickly in mixing bowl. Place under broiler until lightly toasted – allow to cool. In a dressing carafe – place oil, vinegar, sugar, and soy sauce – shake vigorously until blended and sugar is dissolved. When you’re ready to serve – toss almonds and noodles into salad mix. Serve with dressing.

The original recipe calls for the dressing to be tossed in with the salad before you serve it. I have adapted that and offer it with the specified dressing in a carafe as well as a bottle of ranch because not everyone likes the dressing, but everyone loves the salad. Also, this makes a huge salad and we always have extra. Saving it after it’s been tossed with the dressing causes the noodles and almonds to get soggy.

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