Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chocolate Mold Pretzels

Last year after Christmas I purchased Wilton pretzel molds on clearance. I love dipping pretzels & so I thought I would give these a try. I made these cute little Santa's for my daughter's preschool classmates. I bought cellophane treat bags at the dollar store to put the pretzels in & tied ribbons to them. They made the perfect little gifts & the kids loved them.

Chocolate Bark Coating or Candy Melts
Pretzel rods
Melt chocolate in a double broiler or according to package directions. Lightly coat the pretzel with chocolate then place it in one of the molds. Spoon in additional chocolate to fill the mold. Lightly tap to allow the chocolate to settle. Continue until all of the molds have been filled with pretzels & chocolate. I sat my pretzel mold on top of a cookie sheet. Then once I filled the molds up, I put the entire sheet into the freezer to speed up the process. After about 5 minutes in the freezer I removed the sheet. The pretzels popped right out of the molds.

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