Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gluten Free Mixture - Flour Substitute

I have a couple friends who have a gluten restrictive diet. I have asked them to share their recipes with me. This one comes from Carmen. She uses this as a flour substitute.

2 1/2 c rice flour
1 c potato starch flour
1 c tapioca flour
1/4 c garbanzo bean flour
1/4 c cornstarch
2 1/2 tbsp xanthan gum

Mix all ingredients together.

Some tips from Carmen - I store it in the freezer in a ziploc bag. I use brown rice flour because it offers more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The potato starch flour is used to help baked foods have a lighter texture and maintain moisture. Tapioca flour is used to lighten bake goods and help them brown. It also makes the items a little chewy. Garbanzo bean flour adds protein. Cornstarch has no nutritional value but helps with texture. Xanthan (pronouned zan-thun) gum helps hold the baked goods together. Can substitute unflavored gelatin for xanthan gum. If the recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of xanthan gum use 2 teaspoons of unflavored gelatin. Xanthan gum runs about $14 per pound. I keep it in the fridge and a pound lasts about a year for me.

Recipe courtesy - Carmen O of Georgia

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